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Buried Javelina LbNA #29159 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 11, 2007
Planted by:thefiveBs
Found by: Goodfellow
Last found:Nov 13, 2008
Last edited:Mar 11, 2007
The start of this clue is encrypted using a Key Word Shift Cipher. Here is a common explanation of how to solve the code.

A Key Word Shift Cipher uses, a key word, such as Frank. The key word secretly hides the solution to breaking the cipher text. Each letter of 'Frank' represents a number. It does so by each letter representing the order in which it appears in the alphabet. In the context of this word, 'F' appears second, 'R' fifth, 'A' first and so on. By finding the order in which the letters appear in the alphabet, you find a series of numbers. In this case, 'Frank' becomes 25143. Now that you have the number and the encrypted clue (cipher text) you're able to decode the clue. Do this by placing the number sequence over the code. Subtract the number from the letter by counting letters backwards. For instance if the code is HWBRN you'd go back two letters from H to get F. W goes back five places to find R. B moves back one to A and so on and so forth. Write the numbers out above the code skipping all spaces, but keeping the sequence of the numbers. Tricky, eh? This type of code is referred to as 'polyalphabetic' because the same letter in the cipher text could be several different letters in the plain text, that is, when it is decoded. Being polyalphabetic makes an encryption extremely difficult to crack.

Fill in the blanks for the key word to the cipher:
What is the location one is buried in? _ _ _ _ _


Enter the restful place off of Oakland Gravel. Stop & park where you wish. However, note the sign about keeping this place beautiful by helping Howard and Lois out. From this sign, you will need to look for the McGees to the north. The McGees to the south will take away from the javelina’s hiding spot. To the north, you will find a McGee of another kind lying low to the ground. A father and mother you see will lead you where you wish to be.

Take 22 paces west from the McGees and you will pass another McGee on your left. Oh so close! Your prize is near a brave and faithful Violet. Take 3 more paces to a fallen log burying our little javelina. Gently remove a piece from the right end of the log. You have found the javelina safe in her home. Be gentle in replacing the log as the decay is rampant!