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Emerald Acorn LbNA #18855 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Oct 23, 2005
Found by: slogger05
Last found:Nov 8, 2005
Last edited:Oct 23, 2005
Unfortunately my box has gone missing as of April 06. I will try to get a new box out in the same place in the next couple of weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Drive to the Nobscot Scout Reservation off of Edgell Road in Sudbury. Park in the back lot. Begin your search at the trail head found at the end of the parking lot.


"In your summer room
Garden and mountain
Going to
As we slowly walk"

The two friends began their walk up the mountain at the end of a large clearing. They followed a trail into the woods keeping well clear of the buildings off to their left. When the path divided Painted Turtle asked his companion which way they should go. "We must go downhill into those woods." answered Wren. "But I thought you saw Raven fly to the top of a mountain with our acorn." replied the perplexed turtle. "Oh, we'll have plenty of going up to do. Now just follow this stone wall until we come to a bridge." chattered Wren who was eager to begin the search.

When they came to a wooden bridge Painted Turtle eagerly scuttled down to the stream bank. "Do we have time for a little swim?" he asked hopefully. "No. No. No." scolded Wren. Let the little fish and waterbugs do the swimming. We have a long way to go." Turtle pulled himself up the bank and looked back at the mud. "Now what?" said the impatient bird. "I think I saw racoon's prints by the water." said Turtle. "Then he has already come and gone away. Maybe you can find him tonight, once we have our acorn back." replied Wren. The two went over the bridge listening to the music of the water as it danced and splashed over the rocks. Again they came to a place where the trail divided. "Do we turn here?" asked the turtle. "Not yet." said Wren. At the next fork we will start uphill. We will know the trail by the sign that says pond on it." "A pond sounds nice" mumbled Turtle who was getting hot. The pond trail was steep and rocky but the little turtle climbed steadily finding all sorts of interesting rocks and plants along the way. They kept climbing until they came to a clearing with a large boulder and a cabin. Keeping these landmarks to their right they curved to the left and headed towards the pond.

Turtle quickly slipped into the murky water before Wren could scold him. This hike was long but it really didn't have to be all bout moving one's feet thought turtle. Wren felt badly for her friend. She knew how much harder the climb was for her wingless companion. She perched in a bush and watched the jewel-like dragonflies swoop and dive through the air. She decided to catch a few bugs herself and then called out to Turtle who had moved on from swimming to basking on a half submerged log. Turtle glided slowly to the shore and followed his friend as she flitted off to the left passing a cabin. When the trail divided they turned to the right quickly going by a small stinky building. For a while they traveled in silence down the sandy trail. They kept the old stone wall to their right and listened to the trees sing in the wind. They noticed several side trails but Wren said it was not time to turn yet. Turtle was intrigued by one in particular off to the right. Wren told him there was a graveyard at the end of it. Turtle thought he might have a look at it later, if it was still light out...

Finally, at a strange pole with wires that ran through the air and to the ground a little trail split off the main path. The friends left the warm sandy trail to scramble over rocks and roots. "Turtles were not meant to climb mountains" grumbled Turtle who by now was very flipper-sore and weary. Wren didn't reply. Instead she flew ahead and told him they were almost at the top. She waited for her friend on top of a large boulder that flanked the left side of the path. Here a steep trail broke off to the right leading up to the top of the mountain. The trail became almost all rock and Turtle was tempted to just stop, but he had promised to help find the acorn so he kept moving. At the summit he breathed a sigh of relief and basked on one of the many large flat rocks he found. "Look at the veiw." chirped Wren. Turtle didn't answer. He was too content feeling the warm rock beneath him and the sun on his shell. Wren began to poke about under the large rocks to see if she could find Raven's hiding place. She landed on a large lichen covered boulder. It formed a wedge shaped shelter with a second huge stone. Hopping down she began to hunt around the base of this smaller rock near a wind stunted oak. Suddenly she let out a harsh jeering cry. Turtle jerked awake and hurried over to see what was wrong. "Snakes!" said the little bird. "Where?" said Turtle looking nervously around himself. "In that hole I see snake skins and our acorn!" "I don't see any live snakes" said turtle. "Let's just quickly go in and grab our acorn."

Once they had retrieved their prize Wren took a piece of paper that had been fastend to her leg and pushed it into the crevase. They pushed some leaves over it so that it would not blow away or be easily found and began the long climb down the mountain. "I hope Raven likes our little joke." said Wren. "I hope Raven bothers to come back." mumbled Turtle. "And I hope if anyone else finds our acorn they will leave a message for Raven."