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Posey LbNA #18370

Plant date:Oct 1, 2005
State:New York
Planted by:mkp
Found by: coopdevaul
Last found:Nov 17, 2009
Last edited:Oct 1, 2005
This box has a tiny book and no ink pad.
Bugs are well known here.

In the tiny town of Hannibal, three schools cluster between Cayuga and Auburn streets. Nestled in the middle of these schools is the Woodsey Walk, a small wooded area interlaced with trails that serves as an outdoor classroom, class pet cemetary and object of school projects. The best acces to the walk is probably from the Fairly School, on Auburn St, north parking lot by the playground. Wink's pretty bird is here also.

SHELTERED in the Woodsey Walk is a pure white tree. Standing near the top most branches, stretch your left hand out beside you to touch the very top of the tree. Follow the trail you see under two dramatic storm victims. Bear right then travel left around the rim of BullFrog pond. Find Posey tucked between the trucks of a tree that has fallen across the pond.