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Jack Sparrow - MIA LbNA #16360 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 1, 2005
Planted by:tyles
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jul 1, 2005
Sadly-Jack has gone Missing in Action

This box may not last long but I'm hoping anyone who happens across it will be nice and put it back.
If you are traveling to Anaheim you will probably be visiting this "park." You'll want to go on the ride that one of my favorite movies was named after and based upon. The box is named after the main character in the movie. You'll want to sit in the back row on the LEFT so you can easily reach the box and not be noticed. To find the box, ride along until you get to the treasure. As you pass through the treasure room you'll find a pass through rock that has a little film canister wrapped in velcro and stuck to a velcro pad. You'll have to grab it carefully and quickly. Now here's the interesting part. You won't have enough time to stamp and get the box back in place, so you will have to get back in line and replace the box.
You'll need to take a stamp pad or felt tip pen as this is a little box.
Please be careful, as this park is known for cleaning up after it's guests and might throw out the box if they notice it. Please let me know how the box is doing. I won't be getting back down there for some time.