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Chinese Zodiac - Dog, Tiger and Monkey LbNA #14292 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Lightnin Bug
Plant date:Apr 8, 2005
Found by: Riversol (2)
Last found:Jul 6, 2009
Last edited:Apr 8, 2005
The Dog, The Tiger and The Monkey – Animals from the Chinese Zodiac

Planted at Green Lane Park (Raindear Country), Upper Montgomery County, PA on the Dogwood Trail, of course!

You journey begins at the parking lot located at the intersection of Knight Road and Ward Road at the western edge of Green Lane Reservoir. From this lot, pick up the “Multi Use Trail” as it passes across a causeway. This is a really nice pathway with great views of the lake that shares the causeway with Knight Rd. Be sure to count the total number of round poles (P) and the little lookouts (LL) over the lake. There may be folks fishing here. You will pass a sign commemorating a cemetery (what was that year?) and an old tombstone. At the parking lot with the swinging gates (if you are lazy and start here, you will miss valuable clues), cross over the road at the crosswalk. Take the trail going uphill at (LL*P-30)°. There is interesting red soil and lots of cedar around here. At the T and marker 25 (don’t stress, these are not mile markers), follow trail bearing (4*P+24)° and keep following the horses at marker 26. You will come to a slight downhill and you’ll be able to see the lake and causeway on your left. At marker 27, go (2*LL) paces at (2*P+12)° to a rotting tree stump. The dog is protected by barbed wire and a suspicious bunch of rocks. Beware, there is a Monkey and a Tiger nearby!

Note - The Monkey box is damaged - Will fix and replace sometime soon.