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Fall Folliage at the Cobbles LbNA #19132

Plant date:Nov 6, 2005
Found by: mt biking grandma
Last found:Dec 20, 2012
Last edited:Nov 6, 2005
To find this letter box you need to find Forest Frog. From there you continue on the Appliacian Trail to the Cobbles. The entire walk is 2 miles. When you come the the bottom of the cliffs follow the steep trail up until you reach a white trail marker on a tree that is in the middle of the trail. Now look to your right and you will see 2 trees of similar size with several large rocks behind them. One of the large rocks has a dead tree laying across it. The letter box is in the crotch of that rock and the one next to it. Now you can continue on to the top to see a beautiful panaramic view of Cheshire.

Plese make sure the box is put back and well hidden. If there is anything wrong with it please email me.

Have a great day!!